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Ginette Kurtz

The Source

The numbers game.

Expected progeny differences (EPDs), genomic scores, foot scores, dollar value indexes ($Values), plus all the weights and ratios — the numbers are everywhere. We love them. We hate them. No matter where you fall in this love-hate relationship, the key is don’t stop trying to learn and understand the data. Keep up-to-date on the information and have an idea how to use it in your program.

Marketing is one area where most cattlemen say they need help. Very few (except the past two years) will tell you they feel they received what their calves were worth at sale time. Those days will return, but let’s hope not for a long time.

How can the American Angus Association help you market your commercial, Angus-sired calves this year?

AngusSource® and AngusSource Genetic are the answer, but most think it is hard to enroll and takes too much time. Plus, you have to use a special ear tag, and then you have to do this or that.

When you take your calves to the auction, do they tell potential buyers anything about the bulls you used to sire the calves? Most likely not.

Now, if the auction market only knows you have calves to sell and they are Angus, then that is all they are going to say. Yes, it may take a little longer to enroll in AngusSource and AngusSource Genetic, but we list every potential sire and their current EPDs and $Values.

During the past four years, producers who have enrolled in AngusSource or AngusSource Genetic have used bulls with weaned calf ($W) and beef ($B) values that just keep increasing. However, I believe it is important to note from the graph it is not a large increase — it is gradual. I continue to hear how many people believe commercial cattlemen are chasing $B value. The largest change has occurred for $W from 2013 to 2014. That increase was approximately 6%. During that same period, $B increased around 4%.

Fig. 1: Value increase in weaned calf ($W) and beef ($B) values

It appears $W is really the trait getting a little more emphasis than $B. Currently, calves enrolled in AngusSource and AngusSource Genetic are breed average for $W and $B.

These marketing programs can benefit any producer who uses registered-Angus bulls. They document the genetics of your bulls each year, and this gives potential buyers the history of your calves. They can look back at each of your unofficial Marketing Documents that are stored at

Producers who enroll contact the office with their management information, sale date and vaccinations that have been given so AngusSource can complete your Marketing Document. We email that document to more than 600 buyers who are interested in Angus-sired calves. What better advertising value can you buy for a $50 enrollment cost?

Now, for those buyers who understand genomics and the latest DNA information, AngusSource and AngusSource Genetic will print GeneMax® (GMX) Focus™ scores on your Marketing Document if you test a minimum of one-third of your enrollment group. This advertising combination is one of a kind and very cost effective compared to other options. Plus, using GMX on your replacement heifers will give you an idea of who is a good candidate to keep or sell. With the outstanding prices today, who would want to develop a replacement heifer that will not produce a calf with the genetic potential to receive a premium?

Love the numbers or hate the numbers, they have become part of the buying decision, and it appears they will continue to benefit buyers and producers who utilize the data and information.

Don’t get discouraged. You may enroll or DNA test your calves and not see the results you expected. I realize using a bull that caused you to pull calves on half of the crop is a great reason not to use that bull again. However, not having a tangible measure for your premium received or your DNA information can be frustrating. What do these data mean? Did I receive a premium, because it looked like all the other calves sold better than mine. Premiums and data do not come with a set of rules; they can be interpreted from each person differently. Use AngusSource, AngusSource Genetic and DNA technology more than one time to make the decision before not using it again. The path can be frustrating, but persistence can bring you rewards. Give the AngusSource Department a call today and start your journey.

Comment on the storyEditor's Note:Ginette Kurtz is the director of commercial programs for the American Angus Association.

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